Relax: A Multifunctional Chaise Lounge Designed for Complete Relaxation

Combining Comfort and Style in a Single Piece of Furniture

The Relax chaise lounge, designed by Charlotte Abrahamsson Kwetczer, is a unique piece of furniture that offers both comfort and style. Inspired by the heaviness of everyday life and the need for a sanctuary, this chaise lounge is designed to provide users with a place to unwind and recharge.

The design of the Relax chaise lounge is characterized by a combination of sturdy and slender details. The heavy legs symbolize the weight we carry in our daily lives, while the light seat surface represents our desire to be carried and find solace. This juxtaposition creates a calming existence that invites users to let go and relax.

What sets the Relax chaise lounge apart is its multifunctional design. It not only provides maximum comfort but also integrates practical features. The furniture is equipped with built-in book storage, allowing users to have their favorite reads within arm's reach. Additionally, the large sturdy armrests serve as two small side tables that can be used functionally or as decorative surfaces. Every detail is carefully designed to create a harmonious and tranquil atmosphere.

The Relax chaise lounge is made using lacquered veneer, which provides a beautiful wooden surface without excessive use of wood. The white lacquer finish adds a touch of sophistication and ensures that the piece blends seamlessly into any quiet and sophisticated room. The dimensions of the chaise lounge are 3224mm in width, 700mm in depth, and 620mm in height, making it adaptable for smaller spaces.

Imagine coming home after a long day at work, feeling the autumn chill in the air. You step into your living room and approach the Relax chaise lounge. As you turn on the lamp that stands firmly on the armrest, you let the weight of your body sink into the soft cushion. Resting your head against the pillow, you reach for your favorite book from the integrated bookcase. In that moment, you experience complete relaxation.

The Relax chaise lounge project started in August 2021 and was completed in September of the same year. It was placed in a private customer's apartment in Stockholm. The design process was driven by a user-centered approach, with a focus on meeting the customer's needs and requirements. Through interviews and meetings, the design team collected raw data to ensure that all aspects of the design were tailored to the customer's desires.

The Relax chaise lounge has received recognition for its outstanding design. It was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Furniture Design category in 2023. This award recognizes designs that demonstrate creativity, resourcefulness, and a commitment to improving quality of life.

The Relax chaise lounge is not just a piece of furniture; it is a sanctuary where one can find solace and recharge. With its unique design and multifunctional features, it offers users a place to unwind and escape the stresses of everyday life.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Charlotte Abrahamsson Kwetczer
Image Credits: Main image #1 Photographer: Studiovega HB Optional Image #1 Photographer: Studiovega HB Optional Image #2 Photographer: Studiovega HB Optional Image #3 Photographer: Studiovega HB Optional Image #4 Photographer: Studiovega HB Model: Charlotte Abrahamsson Kwetczer
Project Team Members: Charlotte Abrahamsson Kwetczer
Project Name: Relax
Project Client: Charlotte Abrahamsson Kwetczer

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